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  • šŸ§‘ā€āš–ļøHow to NOT get sued for antibiotics

šŸ§‘ā€āš–ļøHow to NOT get sued for antibiotics

Plus, 232% more productivity and some trivia.

Good morning ya pharmacists,

And welcome to the influx of new readers this week. We appreciate you! Have a friend that could benefit from reading from tipsy dentistry? Forward them this email.

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Hereā€™s todayā€™s legal advice

  • šŸ§‘ā€āš–ļøA Cautionary Tale of Clindamycin. How one oral surgeon got sued and the literature on the controversial antibiotic.

  • ā˜•Coffee Break. Random strangers helping your productivity and some endo on a tiger.

  • šŸŗTrivia Night. Thursday morning trivia to make you 37% better at diagnosing cracked teeth.

While sometimes we make up stories about Michael Jordan loving oral pathologyā€¦sometimes we tell real stories to help you in your practice

And this is one of them.

So, this is Karen (*cough* fake name *cough)

And this is the story of how she sued an oral surgeon because of this once very-popular antibiotic.

So she just had #20 extracted and we know two things:

1) The procedure was indicated (non-vital)

2) Dr. Whatley (pictured below) did a very good job.

But the patient had a WEIRD request after an uneventful extraction

The oral surgeon told the patient

  • A clindamycin prescription was not indicated, and

  • There are dangers with clindamycin use

Unfortunately, the doc gave in to Karenā€™s pleads and gave her the drug. Spoiler alert: DONā€™T let patients dictate treatment.

Fast forward 4 days.

Karen finds herself in the hospital with a problem

ā€¦which they deemed antibiotic associated colitis secondary to C. Diffā€¦all because of that Clindamycin prescription.

This resulted in a 5 day hospital stay to treat the colitis, along with lost wages, and weight loss.

So 2 months later,

Dr. Whatley gets a call from Karenā€¦

And this is where Karen really starts to get sneaky. What Dr. Whatley did not know was that she was recording that phone conversationā€¦

Whatever Dr. Whatley said on the phone, it doomed himā€¦

and to make a frustrating story short, Karen hired her family member as an attorney which led to thisā€¦

Yup, Dr. Whatley got sued and his insurance company paid for her out-of-pocket expenses, a portion of her lost earnings, and a small amount for her ā€œpain and sufferingā€.

So hereā€™s a question before we get to the literature:

Rewind the clock 5 to 10 yearsā€¦and clindamycin was still prescribed A LOT

But jump to 2019 and things changed:

And itā€™s because of this little bugger

Or C. Diff for shortā€¦and he is:

  • Anaerobic gram-positive

  • Spore-forming

  • Toxin producing

Blah. Blah. Blah. Not importantā€¦

But what IS important is that usually Karenā€™s own microbiota can stop these guysā€¦

But when Clindamycin is prescribedā€¦*ahem* letā€™s say after tooth extraction.

Those annoying Clindamycin whack Karenā€™s microbiota security team like a scene out of the Sopranos.

ā€¦Thus allowing C. Diff to dump a bunch of toxin into her stomach- producing diarrhea and colitis

Youā€™re right!

But it turns out that the risk of C. Diff with Clindamycin is significantly higherā€¦

Which can turn into life threatening pseudomembranous colitis and why the FDA put a black-box warning on the drug.

And therefore caused many organizations (including the AAE) to kick clindamycin out of their office.

Yet, Clindamycin is a great drug! Itā€™s broad spectrum and it is said to whack 75% of endodontic bacteria.

And it IS sometimes indicated as a back-up, back-up plan.

So if you really going to prescribe itā€¦here are two things to keep in mind:

Symptoms of C. Diff to watch out for include:

  • šŸ„µFever

  • šŸ¤®Abdominal cramping

  • šŸ’©Bloody stool

Research has shown that probiotics with antibiotic use significantly decreases C. Diff associated diarrhea.

And when we say ā€œsignificantā€ we mean a:

For our German/Wisconsin clinicians out thereā€¦that could mean prescribing this:

Because who knew sauerkraut had probiotics in it. (We sure didnā€™t)

But for those that donā€™t love a good brat, there are more realistic options.

In any case, review your prescribing guidelines

Because one thing that stuck out to us during this research: itā€™s estimated that 85% (!!) of antibiotics are incorrectly prescribed:

BIG yikes.

Coffee Break

Some randomness to entertain until your next hygiene check.

  • šŸ“šGood for studying? Get paired with a random stranger as a virtual study buddy (or any other task) and apparently be 232% more productive.

  • šŸ…What was the working length?! Some pictures of a Washington vet treating a tiger with a root canalā€¦but we donā€™t see no damn rubber dam!

  • šŸ˜“After he sold his company (Venmo)...this guy is trying to live to 120. Crazy. Interesting, but crazy.

  • šŸŽ„For the movie buffs...a website with a whole bunch of short films for your viewing pleasure

  • šŸ’»Interesting. A necessary introduction into the game-changing dental software you need to know about.

Trivia Night

Belly-up to the bar and answer some trivia from a previous edition of tipsy dentistry that will make you 37% better at diagnosing cracked teeth

Weā€™ll even give you a hint

Looking Forward to Next Week

Weā€™re talking about the literature of a new super-soldier saving pulps everywhere

Talk to you soon,

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tipsy dentistry